Country Nomad Blog — unlimited internet

Setting Up a Home Office? 5 Vital Internet Connection Factors to Keep in Mind

Posted by David Garza on

  Are you looking to set up a home office but live in an area with spotty or difficult internet connection? Setting up a home office can save you time and money, but a bad internet connection can make this lifesaver turn into a nightmare. However, with Nomad Internet’s internet connection plans and keeping in mind these five factors, you can have the connected, convenient home office of your dreams. 1. Where Your Office Is in Your Home One of the most important home office tips is to check and see how the internet connection is in each room of...

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Internet on the Road: How to Stay Connected Throughout the US

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Life on the road is great, but if you need a strong internet connection on a regular basis, it might be tricky to find a reliable one! While traveling, it’s not uncommon to experience slow loading times or even no connection at all. Whether you’re trying to play a video for the kids or work on your laptop while traveling, there are several options for you to consider in order to stay connected on the road. Here’s how you can increase your bandwidth and get a great connection as you travel throughout the US! What Are Your Options? Portable WiFi...

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How Nomad Internet Works

Posted by David Garza on

Oftentimes, we have prospects ask why we are different, how do our services work when major lines can barely deliver or offer the kind of service we provide. We've also had customers comment saying, “it works like magic.” Yes, it does work like magic, and that’s why we are different! Why Choose Nomad Internet? 1. We provide genuinely reliable High-Speed Internet made mainly for rural areas, and on the road travelers. We do this by combining the latest cellular technology of all major providers with a single plan. And we can have you up and running in as little as...

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Why Is My Unlimited Data Not Working and How Can I Fix it?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Whether you want to call it mobile data or cellular data, the concept is pretty clear. You purchase a SIM card loaded with Internet bundles, and you use this on a device of your choice. Nomad Internet has such SIM cards that allow you to bring your own device. You can use the SIM cards in your usual smartphone or in a portable Wi-Fi device of your choice. However, there are times when your unlimited data plan just fails to work. What can you do to salvage your situation in such a case? Read these tips on what to do...

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Working from Home with Rural Internet

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Working from home is difficult in itself – trying to stay organized, on schedule, and on task isn’t easy! You don’t need the added worry of a stable internet connection when working in a rural area. Internet speed and connectivity is important to having a smooth, stress-free work experience. Here are some tips for working from home with rural internet. 1. Do an Internet Speed Test In order to successfully work from home with rural internet, you need to establish how fast your internet speed actually is. Then, you can adjust your schedule and internet usage accordingly. If you aren’t...

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