Country Nomad Blog — Traveling

The Do’s and Don’ts with Your Internet Connection on the Road

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Most people get lost in looking for the best way to have the Internet on the road and forget to perform some basic operations that can improve their experience. Even as Nomad Internet strives to keep the traveling Nomad connected, we also look out for your experience. There are some do’s and don’ts that you need to consider for seamless and secure connectivity while traveling. Do acknowledge the existence of Wi-Fi Sniffers. The fact that you are on the bus does not mean you are entirely safe from Wi-Fi sniffers. Thieves never take a break and will seize every opportunity...

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Remaining Connected when Travelling: How to get Internet Connection While Traveling?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Are you on a journey and still want access to the Internet? Remaining connected when traveling is one important consideration that most people never want to compromise. It ensures that you do not miss out on an important incident, especially now that the Internet makes everything seem to be flying past us quite fast. Luckily enough, technology presents us with a series of ways to keep tabs with the rest of the world even as you deal with that long journey. Here is a look at two key ways to get an Internet connection while traveling: Purchase a SIM Card...

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