Country Nomad Blog — nomad internet

Where Will Rural Internet Be 5 Years from Now?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Rural Internet connection remains mostly underdeveloped compared to urban areas. The underdevelopment is attributed to the fact that residents in these regions are sparsely distributed. Therefore, most ISPs have little economic motivation to invest in the region. As a result, rural dwellers are continuously exposed to slow Internet connections. But things have been changing for the better in recent times. The entry of players such as the Nomad Internet has redefined the approach to rural high-speed Internet. Where will rural Internet be in the next five years? To understand this, you must first comprehend the current state of affairs. Rural...

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Will Unthrottled Internet Ever Rule the World?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Internet throttling seems to be a common practice amongst ISPs. No matter how many promises they make on paper, this seems like a vice that most are not ready to let go. A common trick that ISPs implement is to let you enjoy the connectivity for the first few days or weeks following the installation. Whereas you had access to rural high-speed Internet in the early days, things quickly change after a short while. You begin noticing that your Netflix videos buffer and may not even access some sites. That is when you know you are a victim of the...

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Rural Internet: Expectations vs. Reality

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

More often than not, people make assumptions about rural Internet without having visited the remote areas or having any supportive facts. Many of these assumptions have negatively informed many of those planning to relocate. Here is a look at the expectations and the reality of rural Internet. Many people in rural areas don't care about Internet speeds. The majority of people still have an old age assumption about rural areas regarding Internet connectivity. Most consider this as a place for retirement. Hence, they expect that it has shallow Internet usage and the need for fast-speed Internet connectivity. However, as a...

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RV Internet Usage: Enjoy Reliable Wireless Internet

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

While doing research online to see how others handle their internet problems when RVing, one popular site talked about needing multiple hotspots each with a different carrier! Yikes. That’s a big headache. It takes a simple problem and complicates things. We’re not about making your life more difficult, we’re about making it easier. In fact, Nomad Internet has a solution that is affordable, easy to sign up with, doesn’t require costly contracts, and offers you the best signal no matter where you travel. How does that sound? Great, right? Keep reading to learn more about how we can help. Can...

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Retired and Finally Hitting the Road in Your RV?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Congratulations! You planned a long time for this, and your dream is finally coming true. Whether you’re looking to snowbird for the winter, cruise across the country in search of new adventures, enjoy breathtaking scenery on hidden back roads, or simply explore a new region, there’s one thing to keep in mind. Internet service. What? Yep, internet service. One of the things you might not have considered is that signal strength isn’t the same in every location. In a lot of country and rural areas, you may only have a signal from one carrier. What if it’s not the carrier...

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