Country Nomad Blog — ISP

The Internet, World's Number 1 Language

Posted by David Garza on

The world is made up of many languages. Without a doubt, these languages find their way on the Internet as users interact amongst themselves. For instance, a website that targets are Asian region is ideally coined in a language commonly spoken there rather than English. It may seem odd for a website that would primarily have American visitors written in Chinese. Despite the language differences, the Internet has managed to maneuver around the barriers, to the point of being considered the ultimate unifying 'language.' Yes, to a greater extent, you could regard the Internet as a language due to the...

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Internet Access in Rural America and Its Impact on the Economy

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

The economies of rural America and urban America have significant differences in terms of the current level and growth rate. Whereas the urban economies are advanced and grow at such a rapid pace, rural economies seem to lag behind. Internet connectivity ranks as one of the factors causing this disparity. Small businesses in rural areas require Internet access to take advantage of the opportunities that digital technologies offer. Unfortunately, this access is rare in the regions. The majority of the users have a hard time connecting to the Internet, while those who manage still surfer from slower speeds and constant...

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A Day Without the Internet

Posted by David Garza on

The Internet is an integral part of our lives. No doubt. But what if you woke up to find that you are offline the entire day? This not a far-fetched idea. Unlike in the movies where aliens from another planet invade Earth and disrupt our systems, there are many factors that can make you go a whole day without Internet service. For instance, if you are late on your payments and the bank delays in processing your money, the ISP may fail to renew your subscription. Also, an issue with the ISP equipment can cause this situation, among others. What...

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What is a Voice Assistant, and How Do They Work?

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

Voice Assistants are developed to satisfy your demand for a luxurious life. Imagine telling your phone to call someone without having to scroll through the phonebook or asking Siri to turn the music on. As artificial intelligence technology matures, these things and much more are possible. Do not confuse voice assistants with virtual assistants. The latter refers to people you hire remotely to complete tasks while Voice Assistants are a technology. Read on to learn more about this technology, how it works, and some of the things you can do with it. What are Voice Assistants? This is a technology...

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Why Rural Internet Matters Now More Than Ever

Posted by Olayinka Alawode on

As our way of life continues to change, and technology develops rapidly, we cannot afford to let the rural community lag behind the development. For a long time, Internet connectivity was often focused on urban areas and commercial production regions. That is no longer the case in the 21st century. Today's focus is on ensuring that every person has a reliable Internet connection that helps meet the demands of the modern world. Whether one resides in a rural area or in a Metropolitan, the Internet needs to align. For instance, they all need to stream high-quality videos, participate in competitive...

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